Zoom Readings for Anywhere in the World
 Monday-Wednesday 12:30-7pm PT

In-Person Readings at Psychic Sister Portland  
Mondays, Wednesdays 12:30-5:30 PT
Please click the button above to see in-person dates

Bring a way to take notes as readings are not recorded.
Feel free to schedule as frequently as you wish.

Readings are
Embracing Your Destiny 60 Minutes $150
Life Path Support  40 Minutes $100
Energetic Realignment 70 Minutes $220
Clarifying Question 20 Minutes $50 (in store only)

Tips are welcome if you feel moved. I share 1% with eco-human organizations that heal our world.
If you are in a tender financial situation, let me know when you schedule your reading 
and I'll send you a link to my hardship ease rate.


Four of Cups

If you want to connect before your reading, to get a feel for my style and approach, or to ask me any questions you might have to help you feel comfortable, you can email me using the form below. I am happy to chat with you before we schedule. You can also  use this form to send me any pre-reading information you think will be helpful.