Sessions are by Zoom or In-Person at Psychic Sister in Portland, OR
Bring a way to take notes. Readings are not recorded. 

Life Path Support 

In a Life Path Support session we look at a range of areas of your life, specific questions, and pressing decisions. If you are in the midst of a life change, contemplating a choice, going through a transition, or wanting to stabilize yourself in the face of turbulence caused by others in your life, this is a wonderful supportive gift you can give yourself. This helps you conquer current challenges and create the mental space you need to make larger plans. You deserve to feel confident in your life and have a psychic ally on your path. You will feel support, clarity, and direction.

40 Minutes $100 

Embracing Your Destiny Session

These holistic sessions are a deep psychic dive into your life’s natural journey. You gain insight into how all areas of your life fit together. I help you craft beautiful plans and new habits that help you flow with more comfort and ease toward the abundance that awaits you. If you are in transformation or ready for new openings, this reading will support you to become your best you. You will leave with several “psychic prescriptions” that help you embrace who you are and everything that happens in your path. This is a 60-minute infusion of love. Bring your questions, your dreams, your deepest desires. You will leave with hope, vision, and a deep belief in yourself.

60 Minutes $150

Energetic Realignment
Healing Session

This transformational healing session offers you three powerful levels of personal healing. We begin with a meditation invocation, then we look into your current issues and life’s destiny through a psychic tarot reading. Then, as a Reiki Master, I offer you an energetic realignment through (hands-on or distance) Reiki energy work supported by my signature mindfulness music. Finally, I craft a personalized mantra practice for you to implement in your life. This experience is a customized energetic attunement that will catalyze your energy to flow in new, expansive, and dynamic ways. You will feel refreshed, re-connected with your destiny, and open to possibility. 

70 Minutes $220


What's going on for you and how can I help?

You are the center of your session. My role is to support you, comfort you, believe in you, and help you access the energy you need to meet what life is presenting you right now.

It is a good idea to prepare a little before your session. Your session is guided by your questions and the specific areas of your life you want to explore. Think about what you want to know, and what questions you want to ask. Bring specific questions. Feel free to bring any photos or objects you want to share as part of the conversation. Set aside an hour in a quiet space. Take a few breaths before we begin to bring yourself into the present moment.

We start with a check-in. Fill me in on what's going on for you, and what you need in our session. We will take a few breaths of meditation to center ourselves and focus our attention. Then we open up the cards. I shuffle the cards thoroughly infusing them with your questions. When the cards feel ready, we dive in. As we turn over the cards, the messages meant for you come forward. I ask questions as the conversation deepens. You can ask questions too. My readings are interactive and responsive to your expressed needs.

We have a conversation, asking the cards for guidance every step of the way. The reading is a fluid dialogue between you, me and the Tarot cards.

We close when time and the conversation feels complete. I will recommend any resources to support you to integrate the information or to take action-steps forward. I suggest you give yourself at least 20 minutes of quiet time after a reading to journal, meditate, and let the information sink in. There are more suggestions for how to integrate after your reading in the Client Portal.


My Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Deck

My Zerner-Farber Tarot Deck

Tarot Cards Serve as a Psychic Window. The pictures, words, and stories that come through that window  are specifically for you. I see something different for each person who sits before me. The same card may have 20 different meanings based on the person it is speaking to. They may show me your history, current situation, and shed light on the future. Their traditional “meanings,” historical images, numerology, houses (major arcana / minor arcana) and elements (earth, air, fire, water / pentacles, swords, wands, cups), how the cards present themselves (forward or reversed), and how they relate to the other cards near them, also speak to your concerns. You can ask questions and ask for clarification at any time during the reading. 

All of this is the language of psychic communication. My job is to be the translator—telling you what I see and hear, and putting it in place within your own journey. Readings are a dialogue between you and the cards, with me as the mediator.

The Tarot is an ancient tool. I am a modern reader—down to earth, honest, direct, and loving. I am a woman of color who has seen a lot in this lifetime, and I have been reading cards for clients for over twenty years. As a result, I believe that everything good is possible. We will laugh a lot during your readings. If you need to cry, we will cry. I accept you just as you are. I believe your vision for yourself is fully attainable.